Friday, September 18, 2009

Gorilla in our Midst!... Say What?!?!

Driving to work the other morning I nearly had a car accident at this intersection as I and several other drivers and some pedestrians were seriously distracted (and quite a bit amused) at this site! I just couldn't believe there was a mangled gorrilla on the side of the road and so took a double take (or two)! Ironically, he's only a block from the City Zoo. Buster (ya, I had to name him) was only there for one day, but it sure was a sight to see (and, YES, I just had to pull over, park and get out my camera). Just another day here in the Balkans! =)


Trish said...

Oh my....I would have had an accident for sure! Who would have left him there I wonder...poor thing...grin. Off to the dump for him I guess...has seen better days it looks like!