Friday, December 5, 2008

Comfort Food & Traditions

Living overseas, thousands of miles away from family and dear friends, can be hard--especially around the holidays (and nephews birthdays). Yet in our international community here we've found some traditions and comfort "foods" that help take the edge off of missing family and friends. One is the annual ladies "Caramel Apple Night."

The first one was held 10 years ago and has been a strong tradition since. The lady who started it is now back in the US, but each year she so graciously sends the caramels and prayers from ladies for the party. This is a fun evening of fellowship with anywhere from 20-50 women who are believers and live and work in a variety of roles here in Macedonia & Kosovo. Some of the ladies have been here for 9 years while others just "got off the boat" three days ago!

For many of us this is the only time we get to see each other and so is a lot a fun to catch up and to hear how each are doing in their various areas. We also share local finds (like Brita filters and a "Gourmet" restaurant) and cooking tricks (homemade vanilla extract and pie crust from filo-dough).

It's funny how things like the team Thanksgiving, the single-women's Christmas party, Carmel Apple night, the team Christmas party, ajvar-making retreats and Field Forum are all becoming regular traditions and events... ones that I find myself looking forward to each year. Back in the US we had/have traditions but they were just a part of every day life and I didn't think about their specialness very much (shocker!)... since being overseas, though, I've noticed the difference and am finding that I cherish the traditions we do have. There's a certain comfort in the familiar while in the midst of the all-together unfamiliar. Comfort "life-food" while living in a foreign land. :)

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. They mean so much and are deeply appreciated.


Pictured clockwise: just a portion of the ladies shoes left by the door, apples cooling/setting in the cool winter air on the balcony (Trivia: which "apple" is not like the others?), spiced apple cider, the caramel dipping process. Mmmmm.