Saturday, June 13, 2009

Early Morning Sounds

BBVVVRRRRR.... the baritone rumble of a biplane flying low over the city intrudes into my dream giving sound effect to some WWII drama before waking me up... sleepily I rub my eyes and assess the situation.. "Oh, they're just spraying for mosquitoes," I acknowledge before dropping my head back on the pillow, turning over and going back to a now dreamless sleep.*

The first time I heard this sound, back, oh, in 2003, I lept from bed to see what was going on (camera in-hand, surprise surprise). Some 6 years later, though, and that BBBVVVRRRR rumble has just become one of the normal early morning sounds to mix with the pre-dawn 4:30am "Call to Prayer" and the subsequent church bells every hour on the hour... oh, and don't forget the cooing of the ever-present pigeons determined to make a home of the air conditioner unit on my balcony. =)

Gotta love the early AM in Skopje.... AND, in a nod to yesterday's post, I actually was up for it this morning (well, eventually). lol.

*(Yes, they do spray for mosquitoes each summer.... perhaps it's a good thing not to be up and about with windows open on those mornings.....)


LeesOnTheGo said...

Welcome back! We arranged the mosquito planes in your honor. :)

Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

With all the computer problems that I've had,I just noticed that you were back. Wecome back.