Friday, June 26, 2009

Moving, Chaos and My Disorganization...

Since I was 10 years old I have packed up and moved somewhere every 1-2 years. There was only one stretch of time when I was able to stay put for 5 years... This moving trend continues to be a major element in my life...

The field office moves on MONDAY and so right now I'm in my office and surrounded by Chaos and disorganization: stacks of filled boxes, binders, drawers pulled out of cabinets, computers and equipment unplugged and awaiting a box or the movers steady hands. All this while trying to catch up on bookkeeping, prepare for fiscal year-end and a big bookkeeping change for the team....

Nothing like getting back from the US two weeks ago and having to hit the ground at an all at sprint! Oui....

Have I mentioned before that I don't enjoy packing or moving?? As of this moment I feel so unready--Monday's coming way too soon! And because I'm just back from the US and playing catch-up, I've not been able to pack like I prefer... instead it's, well, unorganized chaos! =( I'm also finding that we're short in the number of boxes needed and.... can you tell I don't enjoy things like this??

Having moved so much in the last 30 years (ie. apartments, homes, offices, cities, states, countries....) I don't enjoy change and can get quite stressed about it. (I know, shocking for a "bean-counter" lol!) Add to that all the other things on my plate right now and.... well, I guess you could say I could use the prayer. =) Even amid the chaos, though, I can see how God is working to pull the details together and so He is my rock in the middle of all this. :) He will provide, I know. :) He always does. =)

Thank you for praying.


Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

I've told my wife that unless I hear an audible voice from God, I'm not moving again.

LeesOnTheGo said...

Carolyn, what looks like chaos to you looks fabulously well organized in your photos. I hope it goes more smoothly than you ever could have expected and that you can settle in to your new place quickly. Now, if we could just get your cold cleared up before moving day all would be perfect. :)