Friday, March 30, 2007

Grateful for God's Provision

I just heard that salaries will not have to be cut due to some generous donations that came in to the GCF this past week. Thank you for those who gave so sacrificially. Frankly I cried when I heard because I'm just so grateful for the Lord's provision... not just for me, but for all my colleagues and the ministries that they're a part of. I'm also crying because of the reminder that we serve a King who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and when He calls us to do something He will not abandon us and will provide for our needs.

Now when we were told about the cut, it was a shock, but in in the end in my heart I determined to trust the Lord to supply for our needs even WITH the cut. I believe that was an important lesson for me to grapple with this past week, and even though our salaries are not going to be cut, it's a lesson that I want to translate more fully into my own life. I want to learn to be more of a sacrificial giver, not just of money, but of my time, in relationships and even through work. This life I live belongs to the ONE who gave all for me, sacrificed the ultimate in total selflessness. I'm just so grateful for His provision and long to be more like Him.