Tuesday, August 7, 2007

It wasn't just backfire

Sunday night I heard two loud explosions, sounding at the most 3 blocks away. I went out onto my balcony to look, as did several of my pajama'd neighbors. Hearing no sirens or anything else to break up the unusually quiet night (most everyone is away on holiday) I went back to sleep.

The next morning I mentioned it to my boss, but since I'd not heard any emergency responders we thought perhaps it was just some really loud backfiring of a car (though I didn't really believe it). Then today Wendy asks me if I heard about the attack on the Government building two nights ago! That building is just over 1 long city block from me.

Here's what Reuters wrote in an article entitled "Grenades fired near Macedonian government offices" at the following website (http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSL0651616920070806):

So that was a bit more than backfire that I heard. Please keep Macedonia and the people of all ethnicities covered in your prayers.