Friday, June 12, 2009

A Little Trip

Sleep deprivation has been my friend, my constant companion, since returning from the US this week. I find myself wide awake at 2am, at times sleeping in until 2pm, then wanting to go to bed at 5pm! Then when I am awake it's like I'm sleep-walking in some sort of strange fog. Oui! Gotta love jet-lag!

This morning I was up at a somewhat normal time (9am) and so after sitting with some java and QT for a while, I decided to set out on my first real adventure back into life in Skopje. Yes, I went shopping!

Walking out the door I was immediately struck by all sounds and fragrances of the city: car horns, conversations of passersby, fragrant trees (like honeysuckle), exhaust, fresh bread... I could go on and on... but it all combined to evoke the fond memories of Skopje and a sigh of joy to be back here. :)

As I walked to the store I also took in just how much had changed in three months: one store out of business, three new ones, a building almost completed and a cafe that has completely renovated (for the 2nd time in as many years).

In the store things had changed as well. Whole aisles have been rearranged and not many things were in the same places I remembered them. At least the produce department gives you plastic bags again for collecting fruit (the paper ones, while green, were not quite user-friendly). I also found freezer bags--a bonus find I must say!

After negotiating my way around the store my cart was a bit full (mostly veggies and cleaning supplies... the basics, really)... so I decided to catch a cab home. Well, while I was waiting, the sleepiness of jet-lag was starting to hit and so I wasn't really paying attention. Next thing I know my shopping cart had rolled off the curb and splattered my bags and their contents all over the pavement!

As I righted the cart and re-packed up the groceries, I chuckled at myself and the funniness of the whole thing and then vowed to take a nap when I got home... Sleep deprivation, though, made for a fun trip and I am convinced it's why it seems so strange for me to be back. lol


Beth Knight-Pinneo said...

I will never forget a moment in childhood, just before 5th grade, returning to Tokyo after a 4-year absence. We sat on the steps of our new, completely empty home. I think for some reason my father had to go visit someone to find the key. We ate Japanese fast-food take-out. Inarizushi & norimake, a couple of favorites. The smells of a suburban greater Tokyo neighborhood and the excitement of beginning a new chapter in our lives are indelibly engraved in my mind.

Out of Control said...

Great Post! I love reading your blog. I've been in Skopje for just over two months now, and I have a bout three weeks left. I already know I will miss it here.

Lv2Hike said...

Beth: Thank you for sharing! What a great memory... I bet you can just close your eyes and be there (or may flash there at a hint of particular smells or sights). Such great memories to have and share! Amazing how a place can become part of you... infact, I was just having that conversation with a taxi-driver the other day... Macedonia will always be indellibly in my heart for the rest of my life. :)

Janine: Thanks for stopping by! AND a belated "Welcome to Macedonia" to you! Sorry to hear you're leaving so soon, but maybe missing it will stir you to come back someday. =) (Hey, how 'bout that storm yesterday??? Was that CRAZY or what?! We get some nasty storms here, but that one easily topped all previous...)

Out of Control said...

The storm today was pretty intense too, we actually had a few quite like it in the past few weeks, one fried my router and I was left without internet for two weeks!