Saturday, January 2, 2010

40 Years of "Adventure"

In keeping with my fascination of city graffiti/street art, my celebration of 40 years AND the looking forward to the next 40, this picture seemed an appropriate and timely one to share. It showed up on the wall of an abandoned building near the city center this past summer and originally said, "40 years of global lies." Now that's a social commentary that I won't even touch... instead, I've "photo-shopped" it with the sentiment that I find much more preferable and fitting to a wrap up of the previous decade(s) and forging forward into the adventure that lies ahead! =) Bring on the next adventurous 40!!


Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

Ah, yes. I remember 40. They say that your memory is the first thing to go. I can't remember what they said the second thing was.

Lv2Hike said...

Ha ha ha! Good one Sir Nottaguy-Imadad. lol