Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Perfumed Football Edition - Ready for World Cup

It seems even the toilet paper companies are excited about World Cup starting this weekend! I'm sorry, but this just made me laugh! I especially liked the "Football Edition - Perfumed" in the lower right corner... but I'm not so sure I'm eager to open it as the package beckons... I mean, what exact perfume would a football edition have?? The only thing that comes to mind is dirt, grass and, er, sweat! But then pushing that aside there's the complete irony of a perfumed football edition to begin with. Then again, I suppose it does makes sense, though, appealing to both the gals (perfume) and guys (sports of any kind). But really, we're talking about TP of all things! lol. I just love this place. :)


Mya said...

Hmmm, maybe this particular perfumed paper gives a man a sense of being part of the team in the locker room.

Oh well, you at least came clean with this story. Sorry, could not help myself. I'm through...oh no, I did it again!

Makes you wonder what the ads will be like.