Sunday, November 2, 2008

Notes from a Sunday

Today was a day off of sorts for me. Basically I'd had the week off from singing on worship team. I did, however, do the clicker this morning for the overhead slides and I must say "hats off!" to all those that do this each Sunday. It's hard to sing and click at the same time. Kinda like walking, chewing gum, patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time--especially on a Mac because if you click just a second too long the "One Note" advances to the end and then there's the quick clicking forward to get back onto the right slide. Then there was the one point where the slide wouldn't advance at all! Have I mentioned recently that I'm not a Mac-fan? ;) The wonderful thing, though, is the graciousness of the congregation. :) If they knew the song they kept singing with boldness and those who didn't waited patiently for me to get the Mac to respond.

After service a couple gal colleages and I went to the city center for lunch, one was down visiting from Kosovo and so it was nice to catch up with her. We ended up eating at a fun place on the center square called "Dal Fufu." Yes, that really is it's name. Great pizza, pasta, meat and potatoes dishes. :) Afterwards we went to a new coffee place that is the closest thing we have to a Starbuck's... my carmel macchiato was amazing. They even had Nutter Butters, Oreo cookies and Snapple... though very expensive. Still, not something we can normally find here. Later we found our way to my apartment and chatted some more before parting ways as the waning sunlight brought the day to a close.

Skopje, by the way, has some of the most spectacular sunsets that I have ever seen in my life. Today's was no exception. The only odd thing was that it was happening at 4pm! But that's early compared to a month from now when it'll be dark by 3:15. Anyways, the picture up top is from this evening that was especially beautiful.

It's now well into dusk and a sliver moon is beginning to set above Mt. Vodno. An end to another lovely day here in the Balkans.