Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Snowflakes and Fireflies

I opened my eyes later than usual on Saturday morning, but when I got up and looked out the window I couldn't believe my eyes! The first snow had come! Who knew?? Just the night before it was a balmy 60-ish evening with a wicked-mean wind. While it didn't blow in my windows like I thought it might it must have been what carried in this first winter dusting. :)

Snowflakes and fireflies are two things that simply enchant me, so I was pretty excited about this fluffy surprise greeting my sleepy eyes. There's just something about the stillness and quiet that comes over the city as it is delicately blanketed in white. Smile.

Just today a taxi driver told me that Macedonia has two seasons: Summer and Fall. They used to say, "Summer and Winter," but with the warmer than normal winters over the past few years that's changing. Well, I certainly hope that this wonderful dusting is just a hint at what is yet to come. Ajde, sing with me... "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...."