Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today's Headlines

I thought perhaps it would be interesting for you to see this mornings frontpage headlines here in Macedonia:

The Times (left) reads:
"Obama with one foot in the White House"
The article below it refers to the continuing name issue with Greece

New Macedonia (the paper on the right) says:
"What is there to say to the new US President: Don't Forget Us"
The inset in the middle is a letter of congratulations to the President-elect, gives best wishes for the future and then urges him to continue the US's policy towards Macedonia and the name issue.

Because of the continuing name dispute with their neighboring country most Macedonians supported McCain and now that there will be a change of party and leadership they are very concerned that the US's policy towards them and the name issue will change.


Note: With this post and the previous one my intention is not to make political comment but to simply tell you what people are talking about and what concerns they have at this time.


Tori Leslie said...

That's pretty interesting, I haven't seen the Croatian papers yet.