So we were singing the last song of the service and it was the time when the offering usually happens... Only the offering baskets were nowhere to be found!
The ushers looked at me and gestured their absence... Those in the front rows were looking under chairs and gesturing there was nothing. I scanned the congregation looking to see if anyone was wearing a hat, but since it was a warm day none were. Then Leonie, singing next to me, pointed out the frisbee sitting under one of the front row seats...All this confusion and questioning happened in seconds... though it seemed much longer than that. Then I made the decision to improvise and to use the frisbee as the offering "plate." Yes, the chuckles slipped out as I grabbed the frisbee and gave it to the ushers. Honestly, it was also quite amusing to witness peoples humored reactions to the substitute plate, but in the end it was all good. :)
So do you think we collected more many than usual?
Actually, that was the first frisbee that I've seen here in 5 years (except for once at a 4th of July picnic that the embassy put on). :)
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