Thursday, March 6, 2008

Awaken from your wintry slumber and turn your face toward the sun...

Subtlety it begins. The first tentative buds push forth, vulnerable, yet strong with a persistent hope amidst the cold blast. The suns warmth has called them forth.

Soon, velvety pedals of white, pink and yellow also open up and turn their faces toward the sun. And when outstretched arms with lime-green hands join in, all subtlety dissipates and creation cries aloud,

"Awake! Awaken from your wintry slumber and turn your face toward the Son! New life has come!"

Spring is awakening here in the Balkans and with it an explosion of color and riot of fragrance... and hope. The city is coming alive again. She's leaving the dark and dreary days of winter behind her and putting on her best garments in full view and display for the sun.

Each Spring it is a marvel to me just how gorgeous it is and just how much hope the new life brings. I've found myself smiling a lot as I've traveled around town these past few days, reveling in the spectrum of color that's only just beginning to dress the city, and warmed by the suns light on my upturned face.

Sometimes my heart can become as cold as winter, especially when encountered with things that seem so dark and hopeless. Yet with Spring I'm reminded that there is Hope, that New Life does come, and that with upturned face towards the Son the ice melts and the heart softens. With hope in Him I can look at what is seemingly dead, dying or hopeless and see its very great potential. To see that new life can spring forth.

Yes, this blog is more flowery than normal... and yes, that pun was intended... but it seems fitting considering the evidence of the season. :) One of my favorite poems is by a man who lived well over 100 years ago named Gerhard Ter Steegen and it likewise seems fitting to end this blog with it. Enjoy.

Thou sayest,
Fit me, fashion me for Thee.
Stretch forth thine empty hands,
and be thou still:
O restless soul,
thou dost but hinder Me
By valiant purpose
and steadfast will;
Behold the summer flowers
beneath the sun,
In stillness
His great glory they behold;
and sweetly thus
His mighty word is done.
And resting in His gladness,
they unfold.
So are the sweetness
and the joy Divine
O beloved,
and the work is mine.

~Ter Steegen