Friday, September 5, 2008

Worship Practice

Last night we has worship practice for the International Church. It's so neat how everyone works as part of the team, even trying new things... like the gal who tried the drums on a song and as a result we all encouraged her that she should play on Sunday! What a great group of people and we have so much fun together. Especially lots of laughs as we started singing the wrong verse to a song or forgot a transition or missed an entry or ending.

Wednesdays are practice, so it's exactly that. There's a lot of detail involved in working out flow, transitions, what instruments to use, rhythm to play and what harmonies work best. Yet amazingly, there comes that moment when all the details seem to fade away and we simply play and sing our best for the Audience of One. Truly preparing ourselves for Sunday in the best of ways. :) Then as practice time closes we gather together to pray, for one another as well as for the congregation and for Sunday.

After practice, it's not uncommon for a couple, several or even all of us to head out for coffee (or ice cream as it's summer time). We just enjoy each others company and inevitably as we fellowship together we encourage one another in our lives and in our walk of faith. We also enjoy a lot of laughter together. Last night one of the gals and I we went to Stella's and enjoyed some yummy dessert while having great conversation and amusement over the fish in the fish-tank.

Please remember us in your prayers as we practice on Wednesday's and as we lead the congregation on Sundays. Thank you so much!


Brenda said...

Looks like fun!