Thursday, December 18, 2008

11,900 Christmas Boxes Arrive

Last night when I arrived at church for worship practice there was a GINORMOUS SEMI parked in front and filled to the brim with thousands of Christmas boxes and a flurry of activity as church members and local volunteers pitched in to unload them. After practice I lent my hands as well to unload the last few hundred boxes, becoming one person in a baker's dozen chain passing two to four boxes at a time from the parking lot down into a large room.

And as each box passed through our hands I took special notice of the wrapping. There was fancy paper, snowmen, and Christmas trees, some even had decorative ornaments and while others sported hand-crafted designs and hearts. The one that really stood out, though, was wrapped simply in brown paper, but which contained a child's artistic rendition of the nativity. It must have taken that little girl or boy hours! It was so beautiful. Each present was prepared with special treasures and wrapped with care for children that the giver does not know but wants to give a precious gift. And each one will bring such joy and smiles to children all over Macedonia (and around the world as thousands more are delivered worldwide).

In total between this semi and another one there were 11,900 Christmas presents that will be distributed to children through organizations, churches, orphanages, schools and in villages. Please pray for the children who will be receiving these gifts, and please also pray for the beautiful hands of the givers and deliverers.


Gutsy Living said...

How amazing. I had no idea. Where do the presents come from?
Thanks for doing that.