Friday, January 9, 2009


Yesterday as I sat on my bed, still sick yet trying to work on reimbursement reports, I was suddenly aware of feeling like I was on a boat. It was a strange sensation, swishy-sway, and I was a bit baffled at first as to what was going on. Then I noticed the lamp, curtains and fan also swaying. Of course the next thing I did was to message a couple of colleagues to find out if they also felt the earth move beneath their feet. They did, so that was nice know that it wasn't just me. =)

Turns out the earthquake yesterday was centered in the Gostovar region of Macedonia and was mostly felt around Skopje and Tetevo. Since it was a swishy-sway rather than a wriggle-jiggle, I assume that it wasn't a very big one, yet here in Skopje any earthquake can shake the memory of the locals as in 1963 the city was decimated by a large one. In fact, the building behind the Christmas tree in the city center was the only building to really survive in the center. The remains of the old train station pictured up top stands as a memorial to the victims, the clock forever testifying of the moment the quake hit. It's been 45 years and the city has rebuilt, yet I imagine yesterdays tremor gave many pause.

As for me, you'd think being from California that I'd have lots of experience with earthquakes, but I must confess yesterdays and its aftershock last night was only the 3rd one I'd ever felt. The first was when I was at college that jiggled me awake one night. The second was about 5 years ago here in Skopje and hit just as I was about to plug in my hairdryer. The sound was like 10 semi's barreling through my apartment. I scurried to the doorway and as I braced myself I was very aware of each and every cinder block rumbling all around me... and all the while praying the foundation was firm and wouldn't fall under the test. Yesterday's quake was not so dramatic, but it was still impressive... and an experience I'd be happy to forgo in the future.