Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gas and "Refried Beans"

We just heard from colleagues in Sarajevo that the gas is once again flowing, their heat is on and they're beginning to thaw out. =) Thanks for praying, but please do keep in mind those who are struggling this winter.

That was the "gas" and now here's some "Refried Beans" aka... bookkeeping notes. =)

I've been continuing to work from home as I recover from whatever it is that I have, waiting for the other antibiotics to do their magic... yet this cough persists... I'm sure my neighbors are tired of hearing it as I am in hacking it. My muscles around my rib cage are so sore and my stomach feels like I've done several hundred sit-ups... hack, cough, crunch. The good news is that my peak flow meter (a way to measure my lung/breathing status) has shown steady improvement. Still, I'm sick of being sick and actually look forward to getting back to the office.

There is one benefit, though, to me working from home (besides my bed and fuzzy slippers). I suppose you could call it a sort of dry-run for doing the books while on home assignment (beginning in March). In the past when we've attempted to do the books from afar (meaning when the FD was traveling or I was on HA) it just didn't work. However, with the new field structure, I've been working from afar with the TL's now for eight-months worth of bookkeeping. And the process has only improved and been further streamlined. So much so I've been able to do the books completely from home this month (thanks to a portable external backup that contains everything I need and this wonderful laptop thanks to COTF). In fact, if things continue to go well, I'll be able to close in the next couple of days. :::happy dance:::

All this encourages me that the challenges we've had in the past with trying to do the books from afar will not present themselves and gives me a bit of ease in readying for home assignment. Speaking of readying for home assignment, I would appreciate your prayer as there is lots to accomplish between now and March. Additionally, I still don't know where I will be staying either, so would really appreciate your prayers for that too. Thank you!