Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"I am the center of the world!"

Several years ago a billboard popped up all over town with a very in-your-face statement that when coupled with the photo really packed a punch.

It said, or rather yelled, "I am the center of the world!"

Today I was reminded of this billboard as several ladies from the International Church and I began a Bible study on the book of Daniel. In the study Beth Moore says that, "Babylon is a philosophy, a way of thinking, an attitude. Babylon symbolizes self will... a mentality of complete self-absortion."

That struck me because that sentiment is still true to this day. This world that we live in tells us that life is all about us. Me. What I want. What pleases me. We are surrounded by choices and media that seek to influence us, to make their mark on our lives. One of the key questions this morning was, "Are we influencing Babylon, or being influenced by it?"

There's a lot to unpack in all this, to ponder, pray and practice... and this was just day one! I'm sure that the next 12 weeks will be quite interesting and challenging as we work out these truths in our lives. Please pray with us, that our lives be truly transformed by God's Word and that we become like Daniel and resolute in following Him... to not be conformed to the pattern of this world.