Thursday, January 3, 2008

A small reflection on 2007

In somewhat of a metaphorical irony, 2008 began in Skopje with a fresh covering of snow. Kind-of a cleaning of the slate, if you will, in preparation for a new start, open to new possibilities of what God will do in this coming year (after having done so much in the previous one).

2007 was a long year for many reasons, yet in other ways it seemed to go way too fast (or maybe it just seems that way since I'm now pushing 40). It began with me headed to Hawaii on my first speaking tour (what an awesome place to go!), which was so challenging and fulfilling at the same time. What a privilege it was to share with them about the Balkans and to then in-turn to share with my Macedonian friends about Hawaii via a theme party in June.

Coming back to Macedonia in February after a 3-month home assignment, though, and making the adjustment back to life here was a bit harder this time. But as I got back to work in the office, doing what I love, made new friends, developed current ones and got more involved in the ministry of the international church, I found the transition softening. And as I walked around the city on New Years Day, reflecting upon the previous year and ministry, I found that I truly love this place and the people deeply.... and think my next HA will come too soon. :)

In 2007 there was much to be thankful for: new workers, new believers, new friends, growing ministries, deepening relationships with the Lord and within the church. There were also challenges, persecution and growth opportunities. Personal tragedy hit hard for many here (colleagues, nationals and internationals) who lost loved ones from sickness, old age, or suddenly through violence or accidents... some of which still make no sense and tend to leave us with a "why". Yet we have bonded together through it all, supporting one another, encouraging, and praying... and God has been answering.

Personally, through all of these things, both the easy and the difficult, I have found my faith challenged and stretched, and strangely-enough, strengthened as I learn to trust even more each day on the One who is most trust-worthy. I cannot speak for others and how they are working through these things, but I can thank you for your prayers and ask that you continue to support them each in prayer as they face the days and months ahead.

When I think back upon 2007, I am overwhelmingly grateful to the Lord and what He has done, as well as looking forward to the "clean-slate" of this new year to see just what amazing things He will do. Thank you for being a part of this.