Thursday, January 17, 2008

Voting in absentia

Believe it or not, this year will be the first time in FIVE years that I've been able to vote in a primary election. Why? Well, my ballot actually arrived early enough this year. If I mail it by tomorrow it just might make it in time for the February 5th primary.

In years past my ballot has arrived:
1 week before, 2 days before, the day of, or, my personal favorite, 1 WEEK LATE!

I wonder. Am I the only one who encounters this challenge?

It's a priviledge to vote, but one I've not had the priviledge of doing often from overseas. Frankly, unless a ballot arrives in ample time for me to mail it back in time to count, I'm just not going to vote. Somehow I just can't bring myself to spend the $50 that it would take to overnight it (and I doubt California would be willing to reimburse me). As it is, I'll likely run my ballot over to the embassy and let them mail it for me. Just to be sure it arrives in time. (Too bad we can't simply VOTE at the embassy.)

So, here I am with a rare opportunity to be able to make my voice heard from way over here. Now if only I had a clue of who to vote for... but that's another story (and not one I'll ever be likely to share in this medium).