Tuesday, April 1, 2008

From Relaxed to Rushed

It was such a relaxing Sunday morning, not at all rushed. Though I was dressed and ready I still had about 40 minutes before I had to go. So, I made a cup-o-Joe and planned to sit with my Bible and enjoy some extra moments of quiet-time before heading off to church and worship practice.

No sooner did I take my first sip of the fragrant brew then my cell phone rang... a very unusual thing for Sunday morning. Looking at the number I noticed it was from David and wondered if he was needing me to bring extra music or something.

No such luck. Upon answering the call, his daughters cheery voice asked, "Are you just late or did you forget that the time changed?? It's 9am." As I gazed disbelievingly at my clock (still proudly displaying 8am) the realization hit me full force that I'd missed the time change YET AGAIN and I was now 1/2 hour late for practice!

To quote Charlie Brown, "ARRGGGHHH!"

The adrenaline rush was instant as I said my apologies and gave assurances that I'd be right there. Boy was I thankful that I'd not just gotten out of the shower nor was my hair still in curlers while still deciding what to wear. I was actually completely ready-to-go, so I hastily gulped a swallow of coffee, grabbed my purse, music and tamborine and dashed out the door!

Now for those of you in the US, you may be wondering why the time change is just hitting me now. Well, it's because Europe (and possibly the rest of the world?) does the time change at a completely different time from the US. Frankly, since I've been here I've never known the time to change on the same day for the two continents. What a way to confuse something further that was already a puzzle to begin with.

For some reason I never seem to be tuned in to when the time changes--no matter what continent I'm on. I'm always either 1 hour early or one hour late twice a year... like clockwork. If anyone ever figures out a tried and true way to know when on earth the time changes, I'm open for suggestions. :)

Image source: http://sleepzine.com