Thursday, May 22, 2008

The amazing complexity of God's Creation

After posting my last blog it struck me how much it contrasts with the previous one: God's awesome power hinted at in the storm yet His handiwork in the delicacy of the silky poppy pedal.

The picture left shows just a bit of the contrasts...

Again and again I'm amazed at the complexity of God. He raised the mountains, holds the source of the snow in His hands and paints a new picture each sunrise and sunset with colors He designed. He makes the seed to sprout, grow and bear fruit, providing. He created many cute and very unique living creatures on the Earth and under the sea. The same God created you and me. This same God, this amazing and wondrous Creator, holy and feared.... yet gracious, compassionate and loving... He loves us and wants to know us, personally. So much so that He sent His Son to provide the way.
