Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Power to Stop Traffic

I want it. Bruce Almighty had it. They certainly have it in Switzerland, Germany and France. Just hint at crossing the street and cars will come to an immediate (sometimes screeching) halt. Oh the pure rush of power!! Power that I DON'T have here in Skopje. A fact I was so rudely reminded of this morning.

Walking to work on this warm spring day a car had just pulled out of a parking lot and it was clearly my right of way to go. When from 6 feet back a car sped forward and cut me off!! He missed driving over my feet by literally inches! Seriously. In my shocked desbelief I looked directly into the drivers eyes as he bullied his car past me and exclaimed "Zosho???" (Local slang for "Why???") As he waved me off with a "well you should know better" look reality hit hard and I remembered where I was. The home of organized chaos.

I must have been away from Skopje too long because I forgot that pedestrians have absolutely no right of way.... even at crosswalks. Like the "Pirates code" they're "more like guidelines anyway." Yes, I'm back to the land where I need to remember how to dodge traffic if I'm ever to cross it (think "Frogger"). Oh, how I long for the power to stop traffic... to be like Bruce Almighty and have the "I've got the power!" song belt out for me as traffic comes to a screeching halt and I effortlessly cross the street... with spring in my step. Oh, what a dream. It's almost a cruel joke to have tasted it once, only to lose it. ;)