Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stopped by the police... a fun experience. Really.

Driving back to Skopje from Kosovo on Friday with CQ and two potential workers in the car I got pulled over by a popcicle. (The police don't tail you here with lights and sirens, they simply hold up a red and yellow popcicle-looking thing and you're expected to immediately pull over.)

I greeted the officer with one of the five Albanian words I know, "Mirdeeta," and then proceeded to look completely lost as he started asking me all sorts of questions in Albanian. At that point I nervously (not scared nervous but "I don't know what you're saying" nervous) said, "Um... I'm sorry, I don't understand" then smiled helplessly.

"Oh!" he said with an equally lost look of "how am I going to get across what I need" before his look changed to quizical and he asked, "Ameriski??"

"Yes, I'm American," I said as I began digging for my papers.

Wide went his smile as he leaned in and pronounced with gusto, "Documents?? No Problem!" and waved for me to be on my way. "Sank you Amerika!" he said. I responded with my best attempt at saying "Guzuar Pavarsine" aka "Happy Independence." My pronunciation was totally pathetic, but he gave a gracious smile and another, "Bush Amerika sank you" and sent me on my way.

As we drove away Rob commented, "Wow, it's one thing to hear about it, but another all together to see it." (Referencing the love for Americans in Kosovo right now.) It's true. I'd heard about it, but this was my first experience with it... and it made getting stopped by the police a fun experience.

Pic from: www.veplast.com.ba/Products.htm


Brenda said...

how nice to be treated well when stopped by the police. That does not happen in our end of the world. . .

Lv2Hike said...

It's unusual here too, which is why this one stands out. :)