Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Learning to be content one $7.86 gallon at a time

Well, just in time for summer, the price of gas is now upwards of 80 denars a liter (aka $7.86/gallon). That's up more than 60 cents in less than a month! Yikes.

This increase in fuel cost is also trickling down to the every-day items that we purchase to live and work here. It's affecting the types of things I'm willing to buy (sandpaper-ish TP) and what I'll simply go without (cheese). Even the usual low prices of seasonal fruits and vegetables are not as low as usual.

The rising local prices reflect increasing fuel costs, yet they also reflect rising inflation as well as the exponentially decreased buying power of the USD. Now you can imagine how that affects the regular persons pocket book, yet it also plays out significantly in the office and in ministry costs.

Here's one small example: The cost of the "cheapest" copy/printing paper has increased by $1 a ream in the last year. If you factor in the severe drop in the US dollar, the price has actually chomped into our budget by an additional 65 cents... aka $5.64 a ream! If ever there was a reason to go paperless, that's a pretty strong one!

The cost of ministry is even more keenly felt when we face a significant cut in budget for this next year. We are finding that we are having to cut things pretty severely to balance out. This is a reality not only for us, but across the board. Perhaps even you are feeling the pinch in the US.

Spending some time in Philippians has given me some important perspective as I've been learning to adjust and adapt to the new financial pinch that we all are facing. One verse in particular has challenged me deeply:

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." (Phil 4:12 NIV)

Like Paul, can I say with confidence that I have really learned this lesson? Call it "Learning to be Content 101." If I'm honest with myself, I must acknowledge that this is a class I've had to take many times in my life and am again re-enrolling in as we speak. I am glad, though, for the encouragement that comes with the next verse:

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (Phil 4:13 NIV)

This current situation is a lesson in trust as well as an opportunity to grow. I'm learning that as I trust in the Lord for everything, He gives me the strength to face anything.


Brenda said...

Sounds like we are facing similar struggles. See my post for June 24th.