Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lord of the Dance in Skopje

Lord of the Dance (LORD) came to Macedonia this past weekend. It was held before a 6000+ audience in the newly inagurated sports hall named after the former President of Macedonia, Boris Trajkovski, who was killed in a plane crash several years ago. (Incidentally, the first event held in the center was the Harlem Globetrotters... sadly it was VIP-invitation only. Maybe they'll come back.) Our seats were the "cheap" ones but as we were just 10 rows back from the front they seemed pretty primo to me--especially for taking photos (see collage above). As always, the Lord of the Dance troup was amazing and deservedly received a full Standing-O (rare here) by the appreciative Macedonians who were rewarded with 3 encores!

Here's a sampling:


Unknown said...

I was on their first concert in Skopje in the Universal Hall. It was amazing. Even made a friend to come with my, besides my parents, and she has never been more grateful to me for making her come with me. As for me, well, therefor I like step dancing and now the show by heart, was crying more or less through the show for happiness.