Friday, August 29, 2008

Six Years Ago Today

Six years ago today I....

  • Was on a plane with 4 (or was it 6?) suitcases
  • Was a little emotionally exhausted after the previous months of transition, language school, PFO and many many goodbyes
  • Was thankful for the many who were part of the journey along the way
  • Lost a day by crossing timezones from the US to Europe
  • Spent 4 hours on layover in Vienna
  • Tried in vain to stay awake on that layover after having already traveled 20+ hrs
  • Had a mix of emotions: excitement & anticipation as well as a healthy dose of fear & trembling
  • Arrived in Skopje with 2 of my four bags (or 4 of the 6?)
  • Listened and marvelled at my new colleague, Mark (one of 5), who schmoozed his way into the airport terminal to help me with the lost luggage people
  • Had a moment of disbelief that I was actually back in the Balkans, and this time to stay much longer than a few months
  • I knew maybe 5 words in Macedonian: Здраво, да, не, фала and чао... though not in the Cyrillic, so more like: zdravo, da, ne, fala and chow
  • Got welcomed to Skopje by the police on the way back from the airport -- aka, we got pulled over (for having tinted windows, of all things)
  • Wanted to crawl under the seat after said pull-over as the conversation sounded so heated
  • Worried that my first night would be spent in jail.... only later did I learn that normal Macedonian conversation between men just sounds argumentative
  • Settled into my colleagues spare room where their daughters had lefts me a sweet "Welcome to Macedonia" sign
  • Went with my colleagues and their daughters to Ljutes (the best grill in town) where we celebrated my first day and their 2-year anniversary of being here
  • Enjoyed meal with new colleagues and getting to know them
  • Donned a skirt and headed to church, excited to see friends I'd met two years previous on a short-term trip
  • Had to stand and say hello (a rite of passage for all newcomers)
  • Collapsed into bed, completely exhausted and a bit overwhelmed by all that had transpired in the past 36 hours.... from a tearful goodbye to family to a new world and many hellos

It's so hard to believe that it's been six years. I've learned so much, yet know there is still so much to learn. Still, it's my privilege and joy to be here and to serve as the bookkeeper for an amazing team of people. Thank you for your faithful prayers, encouragement and support over these past six years. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.

Picture Top: One of my last sunsets in California... taken while sailing on Folsom Lake with my Mom, brother and his family. The end of a perfect day.

Picture Below: One of my first sunrises here in Macedonia... I think this was during jet-lag adjustment, so probably about 5am. The start of a new life.