Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Waning Days of Summer

This morning as I walked to work I couldn't help but notice the hints of Fall in the air. It was a warm morning yet there was also a light, slightly crisp, breese rustling the once rich green leaves that now are in fading into earth tones. Then, stopping for a moment in Vero to grab some lunch-making items for the office, I noticed the matted yellow-orange of the butternut squash in the produce bins... and smiled. They are one of the first major signs that summer's bidding farewell.

Other signs that summer's almost over include:

  • The city's slowly coming back to life after a month of people vacationing out of the city.
  • The cafe's are once again lively, though not quite until the wee hours of the morning...yet (which is good for my ability to sleep--without ear-plugs).
  • School is starting next week locally and my colleagues kids are enjoying their last few days before heading back to boarding school.
  • Summer teams are wrapping up and heading home
  • Student camps/retreats are in full swing this week
  • Colleagues are coming back from vacation
  • Church attendance is increasing as people return from vacations and other new arrival expats come to begin their term
  • Conversations are turning away from "where are you going on vacation" to planning ahead for the next few months like: "When will home groups start up?"; "What about beginning a new ladies study?"; and "Ready for an audit?"
While I enjoy summer time (not the weather, though, unless it's between 75-85F) this one has been particularly busy for me. Considering our fiscal year ended in June and we've also had some huge field transitions take effect it's not so surprising. Though closing one month just in time to begin closing the next one has been very wearying. (The delays in closing are 90% due to the field structure change and people's summer travel.)

Frankly, I'm looking forward to Fall as that will mean we'll have a couple months behind us bookwise in the new field structure and I'll be caught up on filing. Then maybe I can take a few vacation days (the 1-week trip to Albania seems sooooo looonngg ago now). In many ways I'm really glad that my busiest time of year has come when everyone else is in their slowest time. I dread to think how many more late nights I might have pulled had it be our busy season!

Throughout the summer, though, Wednesday nights have been the bright spot in my week as it's when we have worship team practice. It's so nice to set everything aside and, together with a talented group of musicians, to sing songs so rich and meaningful in praise to our King for anywhere between 1-2 hours in the middle of the week. Ahhhh... We also have such a great time fellowshipping and praying with one another. Sometimes we even extend our time together by heading to a cafe for coffee and/or ice cream and chatting about life. What a fine group of friends they've become. :) [Picture is from December]

Today is Wednesday and so there's practice tonight, but right now I'm in the office taking a break from closing July (yeah!) to reflect a little on these waning days of summer here in the Balkans. As we all look ahead to the coming Fall and busy season (that interestingly enough tends to coincide the school-year) please be praying for us and for the things that lay ahead. Thank you for being a partner in this with us in this way.


Brenda said...

hey Carolyn, just catching up on your blog after traveling and having computer problems. You are doing a great job!

As summer winds down for you its just getting started for us. Even though its technically only spring, we are having 90 degree days already!.