Friday, August 1, 2008

GCF Walk: July Tally & Reflections

It's a little hard to believe that July is already over. It's been interesting how people have gotten on board with this idea of walking in an effort to save some budget funds. I've heard from many people that they're experiencing a financial crunch as well and are looking for creative ways to save... and yet even amid personal difficulty we've seen more people give out of what little they have.... and it's humbling.

Out of all this, the "walk" and people's responses, it's reinforced for me more deeply the idea that we're walking this "walk" together... Each day as I've put tennie to pavement, driven or taken a taxi I'm reminded of those who have prayed for or encouraged me in my call over the years and am filled with gratitude. I know I couldn't walk this "walk" without you! Too I am humbled that I can take a taxi when needed because of those who've given so sacrificially. I think too of those who are poised to head out to the field, to leave so much behind to to answer a call to "Go" and those who are sending, supporting, praying for and cheering on these newbies... As we pray, give, send and go we're truly "Living the Call Together." :)

As mentioned before I will be continuing the GCF Walk through the month of August. The "GCF Walk" will be dropped, though, from the header and the daily tally will be dropped to a weekly one. This is to allow me some more flexibility with the different types of posts that I make. One series that I'm really looking forward to, though, is the one I'll be doing in September. You see, Ramadan (or Ramazan) begins on September 1st and runs through the month. My desire is to share a bit of the culture and local traditions associated with the fast like "Iftar" and "Bajram." :) Stay tuned!

As always, thanks for walking with me.


Week 1: $10.78
Week 2: $18.33
Week 3: $8.60
Week 4: $8.80 (includes driving)
Total: 38 miles and $46.51

Would you be willing to match that savings with giving to the GCF?