Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Strange Fruit -- anyone know what it is?

On any given day while walking to work in Skopje I pass dozens of different fruit trees: pear, apple, plum, kumquat, apricot, peach and fig. Just to name a few. Then there's this tree. The fruit looks like miniature apples, but they grow in clusters like a cherry. For the last couple months I've watched this fruit mature--from blossom to the beginnings of little green fruit til now and the luscious ruby-colored orbs. This morning as I walked by it was quite tempting to try one... though I'm not that adventurous!

Anyone out there know what these are? And if they're safe to eat, do you think they'd make a good pie?


Rebecca said...

I'm pretty sure it's a crab apple tree. I've been told they aren't edible, though I've never tried to eat it.
~Rebecca from NM

Anonymous said...

If it is a crabapple, crabapples can be eaten in small quantities and can be made into jelly since a lot of sugar makes this very tart fruit edible. I think a pie would be logistically difficult with having to seed and core this tiny fruit. I think some variety of crabapple would be my guess as well. Let us know if you get a definitive answer.

The redesigned blog page is AMAZING by the way. Very nice use of your html skills!

Joan said...

Looks like a crab apple to me, too. I had one in my yard years ago.