Hotaps & The Pentagon Cafe
On one of my first days of walking I came across a cafe named, "Pentagon." Macedonian's like the US right now because of the support for their constitutional name, but really? Naming a cafe after, well, the Pentagon? Perhaps they're catering to the influx of embassy workers (the new embassy is huge). But then I saw that even the tables were in the shape of pentagon's and the chairbacks reminded me of the building in DC as well.
Heck even the brickwork, though 6-sided, seemed to fit with the theme! When I saw that I laughed out loud.... and pulled out my camera. My colleague suggested that if the cafe's not named after the Pentagon that perhaps it got its name from the cool-looking tables the owner found in a furniture store. You know, that's probably more likely. I'm intrigued and half tempted to stop there for a coffee and strike up a conversation with the barrista just to find out which it is. ;)
Since I already had my camera out, I also took this picture showing a "Нотар" sign. Now as you just read that did the pronunciation go something like: hoe-tap? And did you think perhaps it was a hotel? Actually, it's written in Cyrillic, so the sign really says, "Notar." Surprise! Another sign you'll see a lot of around town is "Ресторан." "What's a Pek-toe-paaa?" you ask? Well, it's a place you eat at. Again, with the Cyrillic letters it's actually pronounced, "restoran." Things like this make reading signs loads of fun and I must confess that I quite enjoy referring to them as hoe-taps and pek-toe-paa's. ::::mischievous snicker:::: ;)
By now you're probably realizing that even though I tease about things with tongue in cheek, that I do so in love as I really do enjoy it here. As I walk the city streets and take in the sites and sounds, the culture moves just that much more deeply into my heart. I love that there are Pektopa's and Pentagon cafes... it adds to the charming character of this lovely city. And of the people? Well, I cannot say enough or speak more highly. I will say this, though, that as I walk the streets my heart and prayers turn more often towards them. :)
Thank you for sending me here to the Balkans and for walking and praying with me.
Day 12: $37.71 and counting.
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