Piles & Piles of Watermelons
Each day on my walk I pass by several street-vendors and right now they're piled high and wide with kilos and kilos of watermelons grown right here in Macedonia. Welcome to the land of seasonal fruit!
First out in the late spring were the strawberries. A couple weeks ago it was cherries. Right now it's apricots. And all summer long??? It's watermelon. Sweet. Juicy. Watermelon. Also known as Љубеница (Ljubenitsa). Honestly the best I've ever had has been right here in Macedonia. (And they're not even seedless.)Doesn't this picture just simply make your mouth water?!? It was taken a couple years ago by an SPD district short-termer. Many thanks to J.Kennedy for sharing this photo. :)
Last night I enjoyed my first mouth-watering taste this season right before worship practice. Some friends were in the church kitchen having a late lunch and offered me some of their lovely fruit. It was soooooo good. Even better, though, was the easy chatting about the weather (aka how HOT it's been), if and where we're planning on going on vacation this summer and about stone dolls and waterfalls and other places of interest around the country. Good times.
The next crop of seasonal fruit that I'm looking forward to are the figs that will fill the vendors stalls next month. But that's another blog. Speaking of other blogs, the idea of eating and cooking seasonally was blogged quite eloquently by a colleague and friend of mine. You can find it here.Passing these piles and piles of watermelons each day I'm inspired and further motivated to pray for the day when we'll see piles and piles of an altogether different type of fruit. Will you join me?
Thank you for walking and praying with me.
Day 7: $22.66 and counting.
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