Saturday, July 12, 2008

GCF Walk: Week 2 Reflections

Highlight of the week include meeting that nice family and when I went back to deliver the photos they invited me to sit and enjoy some juice, some other fruits of their garden and some really enjoyable conversation. They've even asked me to visit again. I see the beginnings of a nice friendship. :)

Lowlight of the week was sweating my hair wet both to and from work each day as a heat-wave descended upon the Balkans. Though even that was made into a fun moment because I came across this little gem of graffiti. It perfectly captured how I felt and just what I wanted to do on those very hot days! :)

Thank you so much for taking this walk with me. It's been really interesting and encouraging to hear from people about how they've been inspired to think of creative ways to save some $$ as well. Honestly, it brings new meaning to "Living the Call Together." Let's keep up the good work! :)

Week 1: $10.78
Week 2: $18.33
Total to date: 27 miles and $29.11

Would you be willing to match that in giving to the GCF?