Friday, July 18, 2008

GCF Walk: Week 3 Update & Reflections

You'll notice by the tally at the end of this blog that my walking has dropped off significantly from last week. That was largely due to taking taxi's home because I'd stayed as late as 10pm (shhh... no comments) at the office working on year-end closing and set up for next year. This is normally a busy time of year for me with the bookkeeping, but this year it was made more complicated by the new field/team structure. The nice thing is that I'm now in a holding pattern for a week while I wait for various approvals and so will be taking next week off! ::::happy dance::::

Actually, a friend of mine needs to go to Albania to get some things from her apartment and has asked me to go with her. I'm looking forward to some decent hangout time and seeing a bit around where she grew up. Please pray for our trip as it's 600 kilometers (about 400 miles) to where we're going. I will be driving and Albania will be new territory for me. :)

What this means is that the GCF Walk will be taking a 1-week hiatus. When I come back there will be just three walking-days left in the month. That coupled with the fact that our organization will be evaluating things through August before deciding if they need to make the 10% pro-rata cut, I've decided to continue my GCF Walk through August. Please seriously consider praying and matching my walking-savings with giving to the GCF. If even two people match me, between the three of us it means $100. Just imagine what would happen if several more matched? Thank you for walking and praying with me.

Here's a break-down of what I've learned so far:

  1. Carry a backpack instead of a purse... your shoulders won't hurt as much
  2. You never know what gems you'll find when you slow down a little
  3. A picture can start a contact
  4. Taking a taxi is not a bad thing (especially when it's stormy)
  5. The city is full of smells, both fragrant and repulsive
  6. You never know what doors a whim will open for you
  7. Seasonal shopping is a must (watermelons rule)
  8. Street signs can give you an idea of what's important to the community
  9. Macedonia has some cool culture
  10. Drink lots and lots of water
  11. The cats are taking over the neighborhood
  12. Language learning can be fun when "hotaps" and "pektopah's" abound
  13. Blisters hurt and so do my feet and it's no fun scraping gum off a shoe

See you when I get back from Albania. I'm bringing my camera so you can be sure I'll be sharing any gems I find along the way. :) Thank you for praying.

Week 1: $10.78
Week 2: $18.33
Week 3: $8.60
Total: 35 miles and $37.71


Tori Leslie said...

Zdravo iz Hrvatske!!

Wow, were neighbors, well almost! I take it that your an American working in Makedonija. I've heard it's lovely down there, we have missionary friends that were there for a while but they're gone now.

Thanks for commenting on my blog, I think I'll add you to my Bloglines.


Tori Leslie said...

Hey I forgot to ask:
Do they speak a similar language to Croatian? I think they do, do you know the language?

Enjoy Albania!