Friday, July 4, 2008

GCF Walk: Week 1 & Happy 4th of July

This week has been a short one. The walk started on Tuesday, July 1st and today is July 4th so no work! :) My plan to spend the day with friends bbq-ing and watching re-runs of Alias fell through so I'm not quite sure what I'll do to celebrate. Maybe I'll take a page from Thornton habits while they were here and watch "Independence Day" or something. :) Or maybe finish reading Chasing Daylight.

The fun thing about being overseas is that the American Embassy usually sponsors a 4th of July party. In 5 years I've only been to two. (Pictured is a collage of previous years.) I was going to go this year, but missed out on buying tickets thanks to a team meeting. Priorities, you know. :) In the end perhaps I'll go climb Mt. Vodno or something and enjoy the weekend (and prepare my legs for another week of walking!).

I pray that this blog finds each of you enjoying this holiday with family and friends. Be sure to set off some fireworks for me! Hint: my favorite are the flowers. Big surprise, huh? ;)

Stay tuned for an update to Day 3. On the walk home I found my self seeking shelter under an awning as one very powerful awe-inspiring drenching scary storm cell marched through the city. Did I make it home? or did I have to call a taxi? What? You think I'm going to give that away here and now? No way! You must come back to find out. :)

GCF Walk Weekly Tally: 9.75 miles and $10.48.
Would you be willing to match that?